APPG launches inquiry into National Aviation Strategy
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Airport Communities has today (13th October 2022) launched an inquiry into the policy priorities that should inform a National Aviation Strategy.
The APPG is keen to examine the following key issues:
the key elements that a National Aviation Strategy should include;
the potential growth of the industry;
reducing the environmental impacts of aviation;
level of investment required to deliver net zero aviation and;
best practice for community engagement and mitigation of airport operations.
Submissions should be sent to contact@airportcommunities.co.uk by Friday 9th December 2022.
The full terms of reference for the inquiry can be found below:
APPG launches inquiry into Building Aviation Back Better
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Heathrow Expansion and Regional Connectivity has today (21st July 2020) launched an inquiry into how the aviation industry can build back in a post Covid-19 world.
The APPG is keen to receive evidence from a range of organisations on how to build a more sustainable aviation policy that supports both workers and the environment.
Submissions should be sent to APPGheathrow@gmail.com by Monday 14th September 2020.
The full terms of reference for the inquiry can be found below: